Fractional/Shift Replay: From Self-Doubt to Six Figures: Embracing Audacity in Your Consulting Business

"Confidence isn't something that you wait for. It's something that you build moment by moment by stepping boldly into your power. The Chadacity is about believing in yourself, even when it feels uncomfortable. It's about taking up space unapologetically and knowing that your voice, your ideas, and your work matters." Vivian Kaye 

Fractional/Shift Replay: From Self-Doubt to Six Figures: Embracing Audacity in Your Consulting Business

In this high-energy replay of the finale to our Fractional/Shift summit, entrepreneur Vivian Kaye (founder of KinkyCurlyYaki and operations coach) introduces us to "The Chadacity" – a mindset framework that teaches nonprofit consultants how to show up with bold confidence in their businesses.

After bootstrapping a multi-million dollar business as an immigrant, college dropout, and single mother, Vivian shares how adopting just a fraction of the unapologetic confidence that mediocre “Chads” often display can transform your consulting practice. This isn't about being someone you're not – it's about stepping into the fullest, most confident version of yourself.

From imposter syndrome to pricing strategy, Vivian challenges nonprofit consultants to stop playing small and start demanding what their expertise is worth. Through hilarious examples and practical advice, she demonstrates how confidence isn't something you wait for – it's something you build by taking bold action, even when (especially when) it feels uncomfortable.


  • Stop Questioning, Start Claiming Your Worth: Your expertise isn't a luxury – it's valuable. Vivian demonstrates how mindset shifts around money and worth are essential to scaling past six figures. "Common sense is not common – there are people who will gladly pay for what you think is simple."

  • Take Bold Action Before You Feel Ready: The confidence muscle only develops through practice. Start with one bold move today (not tomorrow), whether that's raising your rates, adding a client even when you feel at capacity, or launching a service you've been hesitating on.

  • The "What Would Chad Do?" Framework: When facing decisions or opportunities, ask yourself what an overconfident person would do in your situation – then do it (minus the jerk behavior). This simple reframe helps bypass self-limiting beliefs that keep consultants stuck.

  • Take Up Space Unapologetically: Whether through your personal brand, communication style, or physical presence at events, stop minimizing yourself. Vivian notes how she intentionally wears bright colors and makes direct eye contact to be memorable in professional settings.

  • Confidence Without Compromise: True confidence isn't about stepping on others to get ahead – it's about showing up authentically while uplifting those around you. Use your "Chadacity" to create positive impact and inspire the nonprofit community.

This episode is the perfect energizing boost for consultants who know they're capable of more but find themselves hesitating to make the moves that would take their practice to the next level. As Vivian reminds us: "What's the worst that could happen? They say no? Did you die? Closed mouths don't get fed."

Timestamp summary: 

  • [00:01:31] Cindy and Jess introduce the episode and explain why they wanted to bring Vivian's summit session to podcast listeners.

  • [00:04:13] Vivian Kaye takes the stage with high energy to talk about "The Chadacity."

  • [00:05:31] Vivian introduces herself, sharing her background as founder of KinkyCurlyYaki, a multi-million dollar business she built as an immigrant, college dropout, and single mother.

  • [00:06:24] Introduction to the concept of "The Chadacity" – building bold self-confidence and showing up big for yourself, your business, and your goals.

  • [00:07:10] Explanation of who "Chad" is – the embodiment of audacity who walks into every room like he owns it despite not being the most qualified.

  • [00:09:35] Breaking down what "What Would Chad Do?" (WWCD) means – a mindset to push past self-doubt and take bold action.

  • [00:11:26] Clarification that embracing Chadacity isn't about pretending to be someone else but stepping into your full, confident self.

  • [00:12:36] Examples of common self-limiting beliefs and how to overcome them using the Chadacity mindset.

  • [00:15:28] Discussion of imposter syndrome and scarcity mindset as barriers to success.

  • [00:17:08] How to reframe self-doubt with audacity and the WWCD framework.

  • [00:20:15] Four key aspects of Chadacity: owning your brilliance, asking for what you deserve, taking up space unapologetically, and tackling opportunities boldly.

  • [00:24:22] Real-world examples of Chadacity in action (using political figures and business leaders).

  • [00:27:14] The importance of building confidence through action rather than waiting to feel ready.

  • [00:28:30] How to have Chadacity without being a jerk – using audacity to uplift others, act with kindness, and create positive impact.

  • [00:29:57] Q&A discussion with attendees sharing their "one bold action" commitments.

  • [00:35:19] Closing remarks and where to connect with Vivian online.

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[00:00:00] Welcome to the confessions podcast. I'm Cindy Wagman and I'm Jess Campbell. We're two former in house nonprofit pros turned coaches and consultants to purpose driven organizations. After years of building up our separate six figure businesses from scratch, we've thrown a lot of spaghetti at the wall and have lived to see what sticks.

[00:00:20] We're on a mission to help other non profit coaches and consultants looking to start or scale their own businesses past the six figure mark by pulling back the curtain. Whether you're still working inside a non profit and thinking of one day going out on your own, or you've been running your consulting business for For years, you understand that working with nonprofits is just different.

[00:00:43] We're giving you access to the business leaders who serve nonprofits as their clients. You know, the people who truly get it. No more gatekeeping, no more secrets. This podcast is going to give you an inside look at what running a successful nonprofit coaching and consulting business looks like.

[00:01:03] Basically, we're asking people how much money they make. How they get paid and what has and hasn't worked in their businesses. Listen in as these leaders share their insights, their numbers, and the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to building a nonprofit coaching or consulting business. We're going to empower you to make the power moves that give you the income and freedom you set out to create from day one.

[00:01:28] You ready? Let's go.

[00:01:31] Hey, Jess. Hello. So nice to see you. Back. All right. Well, you knew. You're new. You can't make fun of me for not knowing all the songs. I know a lot. That one you knew. So there's no making fun. Exactly. You guys are in for a treat today, for this episode, for those who weren't able to attend Cindy's famous and successful Fractional Summit, this is your lucky day.

[00:02:05] This is I'm, I mean, it was such an amazing summit, which reminds me we haven't done a recap brief. Yeah. Oh, which we need to do. So I promise that's coming. But we closed out the summit with one of my favorite speakers, Vivian Kaye, who's actually been on the podcast before, but I was like, We're bringing her back because it was, I mean, literally every session at the summit was amazing, but this one ended on such a high note that, like, everyone just needs the energy of this.

[00:02:41] Yeah, I wasn't able to attend this session, but just before Cindy and I pressed record, she was like, she closed out the summit. A hundred percent of the people were like, rave reviews. And so, um, I don't know, like without giving even too much away, like just listen, like just enjoy. Yeah. I would say like, gets be somewhere where you can like.

[00:03:06] Kind of like, you know, like pump your fist and just be like, we're, I'm, I'm here. I'm in it. I'm like, yeah, like replace your, like daily dose of eye of the tiger theme song. That is it. It's like, yeah, you, you got this go do something energizing and just like absorb all this amazing energy. It was such a.

[00:03:32] Fantastic way to wrap up the summit. And I just want everyone to feel that energy. So enjoy. Enjoy. our final session, we are going to kick off with high energy, uh, what I think is super inspiring. I first saw our speaker Vivian Kaye at a conference and, uh, I left just. So energized. So I know, I knew immediately that I wanted to wrap up this summit with Vivian. Um, so Vivian, welcome. Oh, we're going to have.

[00:04:13] So, so much fun. And the other people in the chat are like, yeah, she's fantastic. All right. So I'm going to just hand, yeah. Inner Chad time. Let's go. I'm going to hand it over and we're going to take it home and everyone, uh, stick around at the end because we are doing more, uh, final prizes and wrapping up, uh, when Vivian is done.

[00:04:39] So Vivian, I'm going to. Peace out and let you take it away. Peace out, Cindy. Thank you. Hello, hello. Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you are doing fantastic. My name is Vivian Kay and I'm here to talk about the chidacity. Oh, usually I have a sign up. The chidacity. How to show up big for your scene. Okay, so let's get into it.

[00:05:07] Let's make sure i'm doing everything. Okay. Everything looks good. Everything looks good Okay, great. So again, my name is vivian k. I am the founder and ceo of kinky curly yaki It's a premium textured hair extensions brand for black women that I bootstrapped into a multi million dollar business as a immigrant College dropout, single mother, all the things, all the, all the things I had to overcome.

[00:05:31] I built a multi million dollar business, um, while doing all those things. I'm currently an Amplify Accelerator Subject Matter Expert with Amazon, and also an Operations Coach. I'm also a Workshop Facilitator and Mentor at Humber College at the Longo School of Business. And I'm a, I don't know about you, but I'm going to say it for myself.

[00:05:51] I'm a all around dope lady. If I may say so myself, if I may say so myself, um, okay, so I'm going to, let's get into this concept that we're going to be talking about today. Oh, let me make sure I can see the chat. Here we go. Okay. Okay. We're going to get into this concept that I call The Chadacity it's all about building bold self confidence and it's about showing up big for yourself, for your business, and for your goals.

[00:06:24] Now, I know many of you work tirelessly to create impact while navigating challenges like things like Impostor Syndrome or the Scarcity Mindset that always is whispering to you.

[00:06:38] Today, we're going to flip that script. So I'm here to help you to recognize your worth. Own your brilliance embrace the mindset that allows you to take bold action And if you're ready to step into your power and start showing up in ways, you've only dreamed of let's go Okay, so the top I know some of you are probably wondering who who is chad like you probably already know who Chad is if you if you've ever watched any of my content or if you just You're just familiar.

[00:07:10] So I want to know in the chat, if you already know who Chad is without even me having to describe that person. But what I will, what I do want to point out is Chad is not a person. It's just an idea. Okay. So it's not meant to diminish anyone's accomplishments. It's not meant to bash men. It's not meant to do any of that sort of stuff.

[00:07:29] Okay. What it's meant to do is to help you to, uh, think of Chad as the embodiment of audacity. That's how I want you to, that's how I want you to think of Chad. Chad is the person who walks into every room like he owns it. And he's not even the most qualified person in the room, but he acts like it. Okay, he's confident, he's unapologetic, he's unbothered by doubts.

[00:07:56] He's proud of every single accomplishment, like big or small, I'm talking about, you know, becoming the president of, I don't know what to even not that touchdown. He didn't high school. He's still talking about that stuff. Okay. He's proud of every accomplishment and he doesn't wait for or ask for permission to To take up space.

[00:08:20] Okay, what's important here? It's not Chad, the person. Okay, but it's what he represents. Okay, he represents the embodiment of audacity, the underqualified and overconfident. He's very proud of all of his, uh, of his, uh, of his accomplishments and he's unapologetic. Okay. Chad is an energy. It's a mood. It's a mindset.

[00:08:46] Leanne says she divorced Chad. But what Chad is, is that this person is an example of how confidence and boldness Can open doors that he has no business walking through and if he can't walk through the door He's going to find a crack in the foundation. He's Go down the chimney. He's going to kick down the garage door.

[00:09:11] He does not care That's how confident and bold he is and that's what I want to give to you today What if we just adopted just a little bit of that unapologetic energy And that's what the Chadacity is about. Or at least it was for me. Uh, for me it was a game changer. I don't know about you. But yes, yes, we're actually, that's exactly, Elizabeth, that's what we're going to talk about.

[00:09:35] We're going to talk about how to be like Chad, but just not be a jerk about it. That's really what I wanted to call the presentation, but Okay, so, WWCD, what would Chad do? So it's a trademark, it's a phrase that I trademarked, uh, ladies and gentlemen. I trademarked this, this phrase back a couple of years ago before the pandemic or during the pandemic, I don't know, all that time seems to be the same, but, uh, the Chadacity is the energy.

[00:10:04] To help push you forward past self doubt and to take bold action. So it's not just a catchy phrase, it's a powerful mindset shift. So, when you get that voice in your head that starts whispering, you're not ready. You're not good enough. You don't have the expertise. You don't know what you're doing. I want you to take that Chadacity

[00:10:27] I want you to take it from your bra, from your purse, from your back pocket, from wherever you want to keep it. I want you to remind yourself to have the Chadacity to do the things that you think you should be doing. Okay, it's about facing challenges head on. It's about believing in your abilities.

[00:10:46] It's about having the audacity to aim high. Okay, this is the antidote to all the societal conditioning that tells us, especially if you're a woman, and especially if you're a woman of color. Okay, that tells us that we got to play small or wait for permission to do things. Okay, so Chad is the antidote to this.

[00:11:11] When you step into the chidassity, you're not just pretending to be someone else, you're actually stepping into your full self. You're not pretending to be someone that you're not. No, no, no. That's not what Chad's about. This isn't about lying about your credentials or your expertise. That's not what this is about.

[00:11:26] This is about stepping into the best, most confident version of yourself. Because that's exactly What the world needs more of now in the chat, which is on and pop in. I want to see what's one self living belief that you caught yourself thinking recently. I want to see it in the chat. Um, and let's, let's see how we can conquer.

[00:11:49] Let's see how we can step it, step down or stomp on it. Yes, that's right, Casey. We're going to take it from a bra because I wear a big, I have a big size, so I just take it from a bra and that's where I keep it. That's right. Jenna says that men apply for jobs when they meet the barest minimum. There's actually a stat, I can't remember, I think it's Hewlett Packard did a, um, did a study where it was like men apply with the barest minimums.

[00:12:16] With women, we're like, oh, we've only got nine out of the ten. We're not going to apply. But, girl. And girl is gender neutral girl. You have the expertise. You have nine out of the 10 qualification. You can figure that one qualification out. You can figure it out. You've gotten this far. What's the worst they can say?

[00:12:36] No. Okay. Did you die? Did you die? Okay. Okay. Let's see. Let's see what else. Let's see. So the self living beliefs that you caught yourself thinking of lately. Sarah said. I don't have what it takes to make it. And what is it? That's the thing. Like, what is it? That's something for you to decide.

[00:12:57] Why are we letting everyone else decide what it is? Make it for yourself. Do it. You can do it, Sarah. I believe in you. You have a name that, that sounds like it would make it, uh, Mandy says, who would pay me to do this? It's simple stuff. Common sense is not that common. Okay. There are people who pay for convenience.

[00:13:17] There are people who would rather not do the things that you're really good at. And they would pay someone gladly to do it. So why wouldn't they pay you? It's simple. But what you think is simple may not be simple to me. So I always just assume that nobody knows anything and I'm just going to say, Hey, I'm going to teach you how to have the audacity.

[00:13:36] I'm going to charge you 1990, 1, 999 to learn it. And people will buy it because they don't have it. So you think it's simple, but for other people, it's not simple. Like I said, common sense is not common. Okay. I don't have enough savings to start a business. I started my, um, I started my, uh, e commerce business, literally.

[00:14:00] And what it is, it's a, it was a hair extension business. So I started my business by buying one, five bundles of hair. So five, we'll call them wigs. Uh, well, I bought five wigs. Someone would buy one wig and I would take the profits and then I would buy two. And I slowly built up that business. And I started it in one of those rubbermaid bins in my apartment.

[00:14:21] And then I bought a shelf and then from the shelf, I moved it to my parents basement. And then from the parents basement, I bought a house and I moved it to the basement of my house. And then from the basement of my house, I moved to a warehouse space and then I've since sold the business. So now I'm retired and all I do is this type of stuff.

[00:14:41] But yes, yes, yes. So thank you for everyone who submitted their self limiting beliefs. And hopefully by the end of this, we're not going to have any of them, or at least. I mean, I'm not, I'm not going to pretend to be a miracle worker here, but you may not, I'm not saying that you won't have these beliefs, but you're going to have a way to challenge those self limiting beliefs after this, after I'm done with you.

[00:15:02] Okay. Let's talk about breaking free from imposter syndrome and the scarcity mindset. Uh, so now that we understand what the Chodacity is as a mindset, let's look at the barriers. It's the barriers. designed us to overcome. So things like imposter syndrome and scarcity mindset. Okay. So imposter syndrome, those are the voices in your head that tells you again, you're not enough.

[00:15:28] And there's not enough to go around. That's what all of that is saying. what scarcity mindset and, um, imposter syndrome does is that it holds us back from stepping into our fullest potential. So imposter syndrome convinces us that we're not good enough. While scarcity mindset tells us that there's not enough to go around.

[00:15:46] There's not enough opportunities to go around. You don't have enough money. You don't have enough smarts. You don't have enough of something. Okay. That's the scarcity mindset. But the truth is they're lies. They're lies. Absolute utter rubbish lies. Okay. You are good enough and there's more than enough success to go around, but it's for those people who are bold enough to claim it.

[00:16:14] Okay, let me repeat that. You are good enough and there's more than enough success to go around. For all of those who are bold enough to claim it. That's right. Success isn't just going to come and land in your lap. I mean, it does, it can happen, but okay. If it does just land in your lap, then what are you going to do with it?

[00:16:38] Okay. You can't sit there and be like, Oh, well, this great opportunity has landed in my lap, but Oh man, I don't have enough expertise. Girl, you are going to figure it out. You better figure it better. Roll up the sleeves and figure it out. You're going to, you have the resources, you have the expertise, you just need your confidence to match up with it.

[00:16:57] That's what the Chadacity is supposed to do for you, or that's what it's going to do for you. That's where it comes in, okay? What the Chadacity you do is to help you to reframe those beliefs, okay? 

[00:17:08] okay. Imposter syndrome and scarcity mindset and what we're going to do is we're going to replace all that self doubt with audacity. So when you catch yourself hesitating, when you catch yourself thinking, Oh man, I can't do this.

[00:17:23] I don't have enough of that. Oh, la, la, la, la, la, la. Just stop and think, wait a minute. What would Chad do? Like what would, what would a mediocre and, you know, sorry for any white men that are on here. What would a mediocre white man in my position do if he was me right now? What would, what would they do?

[00:17:41] Because Chad doesn't let doubt win and neither should you. Okay? So let me ask you, if there's one opportunity that you've passed on that you wish you hadn't, I wanna know in the chat. I wanna know in the chat. Yes, Cynthia, not the perimenopause whilst elevating the tenacity. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

[00:18:02] This is the perimenopause. But I don't know about you, you know, being, um, you know, being in perimenopause has made me even, I mean, I'm just double barreling with the Chadacity like, I'm just like, you know what, here, boom. Boom, like you're going to get all the audacity that I've got because I could give two kicks if they don't like it, they can kick rocks with flip flops.

[00:18:24] Okay. Okay. So if you've got an opportunity that you've missed, you passed on and you wish you hadn't, I want you to drop it in the chat. We're going to cheer you on. Let's see. So every time, Tara says that every time she's felt imposter syndrome, she's thought about a Chad in her past who said something completely stupid with full confidence.

[00:18:47] When you think back on all those Chads in your life that have said dumb things, and they're like, but they got away with it, and you're like, how did that happen? Audacity, and they have it in spades and listen again, not meant to bash men, not meant to diminish anyone's accomplishments. I'm talking about the mindset, the audacity.

[00:19:07] Okay. Jenna says that she's been afraid to quit her job because we think that there's not another job on the other side. Even Michael. Michael says, no worries, he wants to be like Chad, but I don't want to be identified as a Chad, which is exactly why I don't use my name in branding. Oh, goodness. Yes, Jessica.

[00:19:34] Jessica says she gets annoyed when Chad takes her ideas and repeats it louder. That's the audacity! Because you didn't have the audacity to say it louder. Guess what? The guy who, who over, who heard you muttering it under your, under your breath is going to repeat it loud. Everyone's going to be like, wow, that's the brightest and smartest thing and I've ever heard in my life.

[00:19:55] And you're like, but, but I said that, but you didn't say it. With the audacity. That's the problem. That's what we're teaching. That's what I'm teaching you. We're talking about the audacity. Okay, so what audacity means to you. So let me make this personal. What does it mean in your life in your business? So first, it's about owning your brilliance.

[00:20:15] Stop waiting for external validation to claim what you already know. You're talented, you're skilled, and you're capable. Okay, you already know this. You're talented, you're skilled, and you're capable. Own your brilliance. Second, it's about asking for what you deserve. Listen, I'm not asking, I'm not saying you gotta go and ask for, you know, unreasonable amounts of money.

[00:20:41] What you're asking for is reasonable. So whether it's about raising your rates, or asking for resources, or pitching your ideas, it's time to stop second guessing. Yourself and start demanding what you're worth because again, what's the worst that could happen? They say no. Okay. Did you die close mouths?

[00:21:02] Don't get fed. If you don't ask the answer will always be no So don't be the person who blocks your blessing let someone else do the world does enough of it Let the world do it, but you shouldn't be the one to do it to yourself. Okay, and then lastly Take up space actually not lastly next is to take up space unapologetically Show up in every room.

[00:21:26] Don't be that person that's in the corner looking at their phone. No, no, no. Show up and look everybody dead in their eyes. That's the thing that's missing nowadays. There's a lot of eye contact. Be that person with the eye contact. Where are the colors? I purposely wear colors. Like I'll wear colors, colors, colors, colors, colors.

[00:21:43] And, and, and people always remember me. I mean, but I am a memorable person, but I take up space unapologetically because historically I've been told to minimize myself. To make myself small, to go with the flow, but I don't know about you. I am tired of going with what the flow is because the people are, you'll see it in my next slide, but the people who keep winning are the people with audacity.

[00:22:07] So we're going to have to step it up. So that means the last point, tackling opportunities boldly. Don't wait until you're ready. And as we, I think we're all grown here, we're all grown here. If you wait until you're ready, you'll never be ready. We we've been, we've been alive long enough to know that if you wait until you're ready, it's never going to be the right time.

[00:22:26] So you might as well just go, because if you wait until you're ready. You have to, you're never going to accomplish the thing that you want to accomplish in the way that you wish to accomplish it. So don't wait till you're ready. The truth is you've been ready. You've been ready. Okay. You already have everything you need to succeed.

[00:22:46] You just have to step up and claim it. So first we've got owning your brilliance. Asking for what you deserve, taking up space unapologetically, and tackling opportunities boldly. I want to know in the chat, which of these resonates the most with you? Is it owning your brilliance? Is it asking for what you deserve?

[00:23:08] Taking up space or tackling opportunities? Drop a 1, 2, or 3, or 4. That's what I'd like to see. Step up and claim it. Yes, Casey. Step up and claim it. That's right. Oh, I love that one. Show up late, walk to the front of the room, sit down, two minutes later, raise your hand and make a statement. I like that one. I like it.

[00:23:36] I like it. Okay. Okay. The chat is on and popping. So we got a lot of numbers here. But the one that I keep seeing that keeps popping up is numbers three and four. Numbers three and four look like they're popping up, but Josh is seeing all of them. Thanks, Josh. That's right. Stay ready. So you don't have to get ready.

[00:23:58] That's the Travesty. Okay. Now, for those of you who, for some reason, are still, still kind of confused ed ed about what the Chadacity is, let me give you some perfect examples of the Chadacity in action. Actually, there's several, okay? I don't want to get too deep into politics, but these are examples right now that we're seeing being played out.

[00:24:22] And, you know, on the news and on social media and all that, but these are just a few examples of the judacity in action. So, one of these guys just stepped down as prime minister of Canada and how he reflects judacity through his charisma and ability to present himself as relatable and capable, leveraging that confidence to connect with diverse audiences.

[00:24:43] Of course, it stopped working. That's how we got to the position that he's in. Okay, and that Tesla guy, that's the one that's jumping out of the corner there. Yeah, that guy. He demonstrates the audacity by confidently pursuing ambitious, world changing goals like colonizing Mars and reinventing transportation.

[00:25:06] His bold acquisition of Twitter, I will always call it Twitter, I don't care, shows his audaciousness, his audacious beliefs. In reshaping global communication, no matter how controversial that is the Chadacity in action and actually what he's doing right now to not going to get too deep into politics, but we know what I'm talking about.

[00:25:27] Okay. And then also, finally, the biggest, I call him the biggest chat of them all that person who's always talking, who's currently talking about taking over Canada, Greenland and the Panama and Panama Canal. This person embodies Chadacity like none other. Okay. And you can say that how they embody it is by stepping into opportunities with boldness and self-promotion regardless of their qualifications or experience.

[00:25:57] Do you see a pattern here, Chad? Do you see a pattern

[00:26:05] exactly. Be like Chad, not like Pete Hegseth, I don't know how to pronounce his name, but all the people right now, if you're in the us, the ones that, they're all, that are all being, um, I don't know. I'm Canadian, so I don't know how to say it in. How you guys say it, but all those people right now that are before Congress and they're not answering questions, all those people unqualified.

[00:26:28] They're just, anyway, we're not going to get too much into it, but we're seeing a pattern here, right? So Chido, Chido Chad and his friends, those are the people who step boldly into opportunities and make moves, whether or not they're ready or even qualified because they believe in their own audacity. Okay, and that's the kind of mindset we're channeling today.

[00:26:53] Unapologetic, confident, and ready to take action. if you were to take one bold, audacious step this week, what would it be? I would love to see it in the chat. And of course I'm going to get into how not to be a jerk, okay? But before we wrap up I want to leave you with one final thought.

[00:27:14] Okay, confidence isn't something that you wait for. It's something that you build moment by moment by stepping boldly into your power. The Chadacity is about believing in yourself, even when it feels uncomfortable. It's about taking up space unapologetically and knowing that your voice, your ideas, and your work, It matters, and especially in this non profit space that you're in.

[00:27:43] Okay, the Chadacity is about stepping into your power and going after the opportunities you deserve. So when you're faced with hesitation, when you're starting to question yourself, when you feel like you gotta call up 15 friends and ask for opinions, I don't want you to do that. I want you to stop and ask yourself, what would Chad do in this exact situation that I'm in?

[00:28:09] And then you're going to go out and do Chad things. Okay, but of course there's an asterisk as you can see I said do Chad things but there's an asterisk up there. Don't be a jerk about it. What you're going to do is you're going to use your audacity to uplift others, act with kindness, and up and create positive impact.

[00:28:30] Okay, so again, how not to be a jerk, you're going to act with kindness, you're not going to be a Karen. You're not gonna be a Karen. Oh, I don't know if I can, it's gonna, you're going to up, you're going to uplift others. You're going to act with kindness and you're going to create positive impact because true confidence isn't about getting ahead.

[00:28:57] It's about doing it in a way that inspires and empowers people around you. Okay, that's the difference. I challenge all of you to leave this session with at least one bold action that you're going to take today. Not tomorrow, not next week, but today. And it doesn't have to be a big thing, or a good thing, but just something, a bold action you can take today to show up for yourself bigger and in a more unapologetic way.

[00:29:27] Because the world needs more of us. The people who have the expertise and the experience. We're just not. And, and just don't be a jerk about it, okay? We need that audacity, because the world needs more people like us. So, I want to thank you for showing up today. So now, it is your turn to go out there and show up big, for not only yourself, but for the non profit community.

[00:29:57] Okay, that's it. I want to open the floor up to some questions because I'm excited to hear what's on everyone's mind because I know there's going to be a lot of questions. The chat was on fire. So thank you. I think this is the perfect way to wrap up. So I'm dying to know what's that one thing? Because if you take anything from the summit, it's that action bold.

[00:30:23] Unapologetic action is what gets you where you want to be. So we'll let, there's a little delay with the chat. We'll let people, um, I mean, there's so much love for you as well. Thank you, Vivian. You're amazing, Vivian. Um, this, I knew, I knew we needed to close out, uh, today with this energy. So, um, yeah, let's, okay, y'all are, y'all are really good at giving praise.

[00:30:53] Own, what is your next step? What are you doing? There you go. How do you get a miniature Vivian to carry around with you on those days? You got it! You got the, what would Chad do? Literally, that's me. Just, if you, if anything, you can just think of me being like, what would Chad do? And that's how you picture it.

[00:31:11] If you need, if you need to actually go through the movements and be like, What would Chad do? And just honestly, because if you ask that, and if you say it out loud, what would Chad do? If you do that out loud, you're gonna be like, man, I should just do that. Like, this is, like, it's not as hard as we think, as we make it out to be, even if it is.

[00:31:30] Try it. What's the worst that can happen? Someone says, no, you lose money. Okay, you can make more money. I love this one. As long as it's not illegal. Yeah. Cynthia's saying, show up with love, confidence, and self esteem, and you radiate and attract all those you appreciate with this energy. So yes, thank you, Cynthia.

[00:31:53] Who else? Let's get some other action. Sarah says she's making a request of her older brother that she's been putting off. Good! Good! Do it! Ask your brother. Love it. Oh, here we go. I'm adding a client. Even if I don't have the capacity right now, because I'm going to figure it out and add a partner. Yeah. We have people in the Academy who add, like they get to the point.

[00:32:18] There's like, I will hire, I will outsource. I will figure it out. You have the capacity. I don't know if you guys realize, but things always work themselves out. And even if they don't, like, even if something goes wrong, there's lessons learned, right? So even if you fail at something, even if you, someone says no, okay, you learn something from it.

[00:32:39] That's the confidence muscle we're talking about. People always talk about confidence and resiliency. The only way you're going to get those, that confidence and resiliency is when you fail or when people say no. You'll notice that we think people are cocky when they keep getting yeses and they don't get challenged, right?

[00:32:55] But when they do get when you do get challenged and you pull it off then you're like, oh That person is, uh, that person's audacious. That person is confident. That person is, so here's the thing. When you, when you try something and you fail or you get a no, that's what makes you confident. If you try something and you fail and you still think you're shitting your, your poop doesn't think, but even then you should think that your poop doesn't stink.

[00:33:22] Because what would Chad do? Chad wouldn't think it would, it would stink. Yeah. It smells like roses. Yeah. Um, oh, Tara, this is great. I'm committing publicly to launching my business. Which I soft launched like a mediocre situationship already. Minimum viable products. That's all that's needed. You can improve as you're going.

[00:33:44] You could, and if you know what, listen, you've got, okay, so you're launching with something mediocre. Okay, well, keep going. It's going to get better. How did these people become the president and the prime minister and the premier and the this? There's a long list of them. Only because they can't, they just keep going.

[00:34:03] They just keep going. It's the only way to learn. I used to love the analogy of like, if you watch a child learning how to walk, think of how many times they fall on their ass, but the only way you're going to learn to walk is if you try it over and over and over again and fall on your ass a bunch. Yeah.

[00:34:21] Jenna's going to make that cold call. Do it, Jenna. And Michelle is going to raise her rates and not over explain them. Yes. I'm putting that one out. Put it up because why are you explaining yourself? Chad doesn't explain himself. Doesn't just like, you know what you say, that's a, that's a full sentence, right?

[00:34:43] So my price is 3, 900.

[00:34:49] Just let it sit there. And here's the thing. So if you feel the need to explain yourself, just stop and smile. Like, even if, even if it looks crazy, who cares? Just stop yourself and smile. I love it. Oh, Vivian. Thank you so, so, so much. Um, I can't wait to see what everyone does over the next days, weeks, and months as they continue this journey with their business.

[00:35:19] Thank you for wrapping up with us. We are going to do, oh, where can people connect with you, follow you, because, yeah, it's Vivian Kay. I'm in Canada, so we still got Instagram and TikTok, but I don't do much on the TikToks, but, um, I'm I've seen you on there a little bit. I, yeah, I'm on there, but I'm not as, I don't know, but I'm, I'm, I'm actually taking a hiatus from everything because I'm tired, but you can find me here.

[00:35:46] That's a Chad move. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Love it. Thank you again for listening to the confessions podcast for nonprofit coaches and consultants. If you enjoyed today's episode, which I sure hope you did, you can show your support in one of three ways. Number one, post a screenshot of this episode to your Instagram stories or LinkedIn profile and tag Cindy so we can repost you.

[00:36:12] Number two, share this podcast with a fellow nonprofit coach or consultant. And number three, leave a positive review on Apple podcasts that we can continue to grow and reach new listeners. And of course, make sure you subscribe so you can get the latest and greatest interviews as they drop every Thursday.

[00:36:29] And to our fellow nonprofit coaching and consulting friends, remember we're an open book and here to answer your burning biz questions. See you next time.


From Idea to 1,400 Registrants: Behind the Scenes of the Fractional/Shift Summit